CRITERION - IV : बुनियादी ढाँचा और सीखने के संसाधन

Metric 4.1.2. Facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games and sports

Metric 4.1.3: Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc Metric 4.1.4: Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during last five years

4.2. Library as a Learning Resource
Metric 4.2.1: Library Automation

Metric 4.2.2: Institution access to e-resources & data bases 4.2.3: Annual expenditure for Library 4.2.4: Number of teacher and students using library

4.3. IT Infrastructure
Metric 4.3.1: Institutions IT Policy and Budget

Metric 4.3.2: Student Computer Ratio Metric 4.3.3: Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution Metric 4.3.4: Facility for e-content development

4.4. Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Metric 4.4.1: Percentage of Expenditure incurred on infrastructure maintenance

Metric 4.4.1: Annual Expenditure for infrastructure maintenance Metric 4.4.2: Established Systems and Procedure for Utilization and Maintenance

Audited Balance Sheet