CRITERION - VII : नवाचार और सर्वोत्तम प्रथाएं

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
Metric 7.1.1. Gender Equity
1. Gender Audit Report

2. Gender Based Activities 3. Specific Facilities Provided for Women 4. Yoga Facilities – MoU Metric 7.1.2. Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability Metric 7.1.3. Management of degradable and non-degradable waste Metric 7.1.4. Water Conservation Facilities Metric 7.1.5. Initiatives for Greening the campus Metric 7.1.6. Quality Audits – Environment, Energy and Green Beyond Campus Environmental Promotion Activities Metric 7.1.7. Divyangjan Facilities Metric 7.1.8. Initiatives in providing an inclusive environment Report of events pertaining to providing inclusive environment Metric 7.1.9. Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations Report of events - Sensitization Activities towards Constitutional Obligations Metric 7.1.10. Code of Conduct Metric 7.1.11. Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days Report of Events – Important Days Celebrated / Observed

7.2 Best Practices
Metric 7.2.1. Two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
Metric 7.3.1. Performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority