To establish, maintain and administer institutions for elementary, higher secondary, professional and higher education to benefit each and every sections of the society.
To organize & coordinate government/ non-government sponsored activities for socio-economic and cultural empowerment of the under privileged/ economically depressed people.
To organize and coordinate activities sponsored by state, central and international agencies for health cover, drinking water, housing, disaster management and environmental protection including soil and water conservation, land reclamation, drainage and irrigation, social and farm forestry, village sanitation and energy conservation/ management.
Advancement of Science and Technology through teaching, research, location specific testing and technology dissemination for large scale application by the people.
To establish libraries, information, education and communication centres for awareness, people education and advancement of welfare programmes in rural and urban areas.
To organize non-formal, adult and continuing education for people representing rural and urban areas through Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jan Sikshan Sansthan Industrial Training Institutes,Polytechniques and other vocational institutions.
To organize and promote government/ non-government supported activities in public private and people partnership mode to generate greater income and employment opportunities for resource poor people in rural and urban areas.
To aid and financially support the meritorious students/ scholars of socially and economically disadvantaged sections of the society.
To organize government/ non-government sponsored health and welfare camps for animals and human being and to help the physically challenged people.
To help men, women workers and artisans to organize self-help groups for promotion and management of social and economic development activities.
To create government/ non-government assisted infrastructure for capacity building, entrepreneurship development in marketing, insurance, transportation, storage, processing etc. in farm and non-farm sectors.
To create resources like land, building, funds and other moveable/ immoveable assets for initiating, organizing, managing and maintaining the aforesaid activities/ institution