1. Participatory Research and Innovation Program (PRIP)
The institute has a Research Promotion Committee, which organizes a student’s participatory research program named as ‘Participatory Research and Innovation Program (PRIP)’ for UG and PG level students separately. The purpose of PRIP is to encourage student of UG and PG to develop scientific temper and critical thinking. Mentors help students to identify a topic/ an issue/ a local problem under the given sub-themes and to prepare and present review article for open discussion before a panel of experts of institute. All participants are given certificate for participation and awarded presentation awards with award money. Student development program (SDP), workshops and seminars are organized for enrichment of knowledge in relation to research. A multidisciplinary research journal name Vimarsh
(ISSN:2347-3169) is published annually by the institute & research paper & articles are published free of cost.
2. Training Cum Product Based Institute:
Sultanpur district is the part of eastern U.P. At the time of its establishment the major challenge of the district was educational and economic weak. To deal with this bottle neck our founder Late Babu Kedarnath Singh laid the foundation of this institute. For the last forty five years Institute is contributing in economic wellbeing and educational development of eastern U.P. The institute is famous in the region for quality education and discipline. Institute is having several faculties and runs career oriented courses for Science, Arts and Commerce students. Faculty members of institute are fully engaged with students. Our alumni have name and fame in academics, business, sports etc. at national and international level. Our Institute is contributing to society through spreading awareness in the field of environment, health and fulfilling its responsibility. With all these unique qualities our institute is dedicated to eradicate economic bottleneck of the surrounding area. Since its setup in 1973 around Fifteen Lakh students got educated. In addition to its regular streams like arts, science and commerce Institute is having professional courses like Business administration, Agriculture, Law, BPEd. and Home science. In these courses majority of students are from rural background.
Institute imparts training programs like Beekeeping, Agricultural drone pilot training etc. In spite of these, we are also producing daily use products in order provide fresh and pure quality for community. Producing few items which have a high market demand and value. In near future, will focus on improving products and upgradingknowledge and technology involved in it. Some of the products are pure honey, mustard oils, daliya, organic strawberry. Beside this seed preparation for planting, preparation of vermi-compost are also carried out. We adopted a village Katka of district Sultanpur and various awareness programs are executed for farm outputs.
Milk by product-Chena, Khoa, Cheese, Butter, Ghee, production is in process. Preparation of FYM and Vermi compost to improve soil fertility by their waste is also carried out.
3. Practice adopted by institute for Biodiversity conservation and Environmental protection
The institute has rich Department of Environmental Sciences, which provides Mater degree in Environmental Sciences and aware students about environmental issues. The Department of Environmental Sciences has IIRS/ISRO-EDUSAT nodal center for ADD-ON Courses including diploma/ certificate course for all M.Sc. students since 2018, which is helpful for career gradation in GIS and GPS programing as well as field job in government and private sectors. The certificate scored by the students is helpful during their M. Tech., course in Environmental Geosciences, Informatics. The institute has Biodiversity club and Eco Club (TATVA) that assess and monitor the plants and animal diversity within the campus and conducts co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to raises awareness amongst the students to protect biodiversity and environment. Both, the clubs aware students of schools, college and community peoples about the biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues and to create a clean and green consciousness through various innovative activities. Institute organizes seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the school to motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean. The members of the clubs take an active role to protect environment and biodiversity conservation in college campus and beyond the campus through community participation. The institute also conductsEnergy and Green Audits to check existing standards and to set benchmarks. Green Audit and Energy Audit focuses on the Green Campus initiatives, and adopted conservation measures for management of Wastes, Water, energy, Air Pollution, & Carbon Footprint etc. being implemented by the institution Management. Institute organize tree plantation programs, awareness programs such as quiz, essay, painting competitions, rallies, nukkad natak etc. regarding various environmental issues and educate children about re-use of waste material & preparation of products out of waste. Institute organizes campaign against use of loud speakers; motivate students not to use crackers and fireworks, recycling of glass and metals, use of unnecessary horns. Institute maintains parks, ecological gardens both within and outside the College campus.
Patents: Faculty from Department of Environmental Science, Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Dr. Prakash Chandra Tiwari, Coordinator IIRS/ISRO OUTREACH EDUSAT Programme, filed two utility patents under office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Intellectual Property Government of India.
Patent– 1st:Environmental Sustainability, Technologies in Biodiversity,Transportation and Water Management using Artificial Intelligence
Application Number: 202311008693, Date of Filing: 10/02/2023, Publication Date: 17/02/23
Field of The Invention: The present invention generally relates to environmental sustainability using artificial intelligence (AI). More particularly, the invention relates to environmental sustainability technologies in biodiversity, transportation and water management using artificial intelligence.
Patent – 2nd:Consortium Based Aerobic Degradation of Pentachlorophenolin Lab-scale Bioreactor
Application Number: 202311010207, Date of Filing: 15/02/2023, Publication Date: 17/03/23
Field of The Invention: The invention generally relates to consortiumbased aerobic bacterial degradation. More particularly, the invention relates to consortium based aerobic bacterial degradation of pentachlorophenol in lab scale bioreactor.
Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) for Training:
1). Earth Protection Group Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow,
2). Aman Environ Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow,
3). Udaipur Mining Tech Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow,
4). Kishan Sarkari Sugar Mill Sultanpur.
This expression shall include the successors and assignees on one part and Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Sultanpur represented by Principal and Manager here in after called Host Institution and this expression shall include their successor and assignees on the other part, whereas the assignees has agreed to work as an approved Practical/On job training centre for providing training/On job training to the students of M.Sc. (Final) Department of Environmental Sciences, Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Sultanpur i.e. host institution.
Some of activities organized by Eco-Club (TATVA) |
Some of Activities Organized By Biodiversity Club |