Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences

Sultanpur U.P. India
(An Autonomous Institute) Affiliated to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Ayodhya U.P.




Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences Sultanpur, Accredited ‘A’ Grade an empirical Institute in eastern UP affiliated to Dr. RMLAU Ayodhya endeavors to proactively participate in the mission of Indian Higher Education System. The objective is to elevate the competency levels of the local students to meet the global demands. The meticulous and stringent educational methodology of Outcome Based Education (OBE) is followed to enrich the student learning through performance outcomes. This curriculum model aims to maximize student learning outcomes by developing their skills. The OBE model supports the students to attain intellectual knowledge, skills, and attitudes to ensure the holistic learning environment with clarity, flexibility, comparison, and efficient involvement.
The OBE framework provides the guidelines to enable teaching and learning process of the institution to attain international recognition and global employment opportunities. It leads to enable the students to excel in their profession and career accomplishments.

• The guidelines of this OBE policy are applicable to all the students and faculty members covered under the umbrella of NEP 2020.
• The guidelines laid herein are applicable to all the academic programs, courses, curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, extension activities undertaken by the stakeholders.

The Objectives of the OBE policy are stated as follows:
1. To create Learner Centric and Outcome-Based Teaching learning environment.
2. To ensure the publication of POs and COs on the website, on the notice boards and in the students’ WhatsApp groups.
3. To empower the stakeholders to be effective in OBE implementation.
4. To state the outcome-based assessment to measure the attainment of POs and COs at the end of courses and or programs.

KNIPSS adapted the OBE since the adaptation of NEP-2020 from academic session 2021-22. It covers all the programs running in the Faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce.

The OBE process in the institute shall be governed by the OBE Committee. The compositions of the committee are as follows:
Principal : Chairman
Controller of Examinations : Ex-Officio Examination Office Member
IQAC Representative : Director, IQAC
Faculty in-charges : Ex-Officio Members
Member : Faculty of Sciences
Members : Faculty of Arts
Members : Faculty of Commerce

• The committee shall provide the training and guidelines for the effective implementation of OBE.
• The committee should have continues monitoring strategies for OBE and conduct annual review to ensure the effective implementation.
• The committee shall define the Programme Educational Objectives and Graduate Attributes.
• The committee will guide the departments to ensure that students become aware of Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes.
• The committee shall review the outcome attainments at the end of semesters.
• The committee shall ensure the quality assurance of the curriculum, pedagogical teaching methods of the institutions to attain the outcomes.
• The committee will endorse the “Teacher training cell” to organize re-skilling programs for teacher from time to time.

Students shall inculcate the following attributes:
1. Subject Knowledge
2. Problem Analysis
3. Design and Development of the Solution
4. Usage of Technology
5. Application of Knowledge in Society
6. Environment and Sustainability
7. Ethics and Values
8. Individual and Teamwork
9. Effective Communication
10. Lifelong Learning Ability
11. Culture, Patriotism, and International Outlook
12. Positive Attitude and Open Mindedness

The syllabi of NEP-2020 are designed by the Directorate of Higher Education. Government of Uttar Pradesh and adapted by the affiliating university. All the syllabi contain POs of the program and COs of the courses as well as semesters. These POs and COs are published elsewhere on the website in consolidated form.

Schematic presentation of Outcome Based Education framework of the KNIPSS

The attainment of POs and COs by the students is assessed by measuring the score on 10-point score. This score is generated from the responses of questionnaire attempted by the students at the end of semester. These questionnaire covers following parameters:

Questionnaire to evaluate the attainment of Program Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs)

Sr. No.QuestionResponse- Yes No
1Are your aware about the detailed syllabus of Program/Course/Semester?1 0
22 Are you aware about POs of the program you have opted?1 0
33 Are you aware about COs of the course you have completed? 1 0
44 Are you in the direct contact of your teachers/mentors to achieve the POs and COs?1 0
55 Have you passed the mid-semester examination? 1 0
6V6 Have you earned all the credits allocated for theory? 1 0
77 Have you earned all the credits allocated for practical/viva? 1 0
88 Have you participated in co-curricular activities during last semester? 1 0
99 Have you participated in extra-curricular activities during last semester? 1 0
1010 Have you participated in extension activities during last semester?1 0
Maximum score10 0
Score obtained (%)=(Total score obtained)/(Maximum score) ×100

Mapping of scores
Scores obtained by the students is categorized at four attainment level.
Score obtained Attainment level
0 to 33 % Attainment average
33 to 66 % Attainment good
66 to 100 % Attainment excellent
Analysis of attainment level
The OBE committee shall analyze the map of attainment level and design the action plan to improve the method of teaching-learning.

After analyses of the attainment level OBE committee will endorse the “Teacher training cell” to organize re-skilling programs for teachers for effective implementation of OBE in coming academic session.

The OBE committee of the Institute shall review the implemented system based on stakeholders’ feedback and analysis. Due attention shall be given to incorporate the needs of the students and developmental concerns of nation. The OBE policy shall be updated to incorporate changes in the government policies, new initiatives in higher education and demanding innovations by the Institution.

Click here to download the department wise POs and COs