Department of Geography
About Us
The department of Geography was established in 1973 under the valuable supervision of Mr. P.S.Kamla (M.Phil,JNU), the first head of the department. Undergraduate study started immediately and the first batch of geography graduate students passed out in 1976. Since then the department has maintained its identity and position in the Dr. R.M.L.Avadh University in respect to geography teaching and learning. The number of staff members increased when Dr.O.P.Singh and Dr.D.K. Tripathi from Banaras Hindu University joined the department as a lecturer in 1989 and 1996 respectively. July, 2000, may be termed as a land mark in the progress of geography in the department when the Post-Graduate study was started. The staff structure was strengthened again when Dr. R.P.Mishra and Dr. Namrata Verma joined the department as lecturer under self finance scheme. In 2005 department has started the Ph.D programme and till now 07 Ph.D are produced. In mean time Dr.D.K.tripathi (Professor) completed ISRO sponsored certificate course in Remote Sensing and GIS in 2003 and PG Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS in 2008 from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS,ISRO), Dehradun. Thereafter , the department is engaged in popularizing the application of newly emerging field of Remote Sensing and GIS amongst post graduates and research students. Presently, the department is trying to develop the research facilities through the ICSSR Major Research Project entitled “Management of degraded lands using satellite remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Gauriganj block, Sultanpur District (U.P.)”. The faculties of the department have published about 40 (forty) research papers in peer reviewed / ISSN numbered national and international journals and presented about 70 (seventy) research papers in national and international conferences and seminars. They have been associated with and are life member of National Association of Geographers ,India (NAGI), Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG),Pune, Indian Society of Remote Sensing, (ISRS), Dehradun, National Geographical Society of India,BHU, Varanasi , Association of Punjab Geographer, India, Society of Biological Science and Rural Development, Allahabad. In order to support for progression of the students, ‘Margdarshan’ (free guidance to PG students for qualifying NET-UGC examination) was started in 2011 under the supervision of Dr. D.K.Tripathi and till now about 10 (Ten) students of the department have qualified the NET examination. To inculcate the environmental sensitivity and awareness among students department has adopted eco- friendly practices such as Annual Tree Plantation Programme, , energy conservation and anti-Polythene , anti- tobacco campaigns. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools ( internet, power point presentation, and smart board etc.), seminars, debates, assignments, contact, field survey and study tours are the widely used teaching learning methodologies in the department.
Faculty Members |
Head of Department: Mr. Sudhanshu Pratap Singh
(Assistant Professor)
Contact: 9654624826
Dr. Ravi Prakash Mishra
(Assistant Professor) Contact: 9889035234
Email: |
Dr. Namrata Verma
(Assistant Professor)
Contact: 9450140600
Email: |
Mr. Atul Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Contact: 8840226247
Email: |
Research Interest:
Man and Nature relationship Geomorphology & Environment  |
Research Interest:
Rural and Agricultural Development Planning  |
Research Interest:
Population & Economic Geography  |
Research Interest:
Regional development and planning  |