Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences

Sultanpur U.P. India
(An Autonomous Institute) Affiliated to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Ayodhya U.P.

Mission & Vision

“The aim of Kamla Nehru Institute is not merely to establish an educational institution but to fight against poverty with that twofold resolution of 1857 freedom struggle which was fought with great enthusiasm by the natives of this region. Kamla Nehru Institute shall be the centre to fight for economic freedom."
"कमला नेहरू इन्स्टीट्यूट की स्थापना का मकसद महज एक तालीमी इदारा कायम करना नहीं है, बल्कि इस पूरे इलाके की गुरबत की लड़ाई इसी इदारे से उसी दोहरे निश्चय के साथ लड़ना है, जिस अज्म़ के साथ इस इलाके के बाशिन्दों ने सन् 1857 की जंगे-आज़ादी लड़ी थी। आर्थिक आज़ादी के लिए जंग का मरकज़ कमला नेहरू इन्स्टीट्यूट है।"- संस्थापक बाबू केदार नाथ सिंह जी

 To impart quality education to students irrespective of their caste, racial, social, economic and gender discrimination.
 To carryout Indian knowledge system and new scientific information/technology both for innovative and effective teaching.
 To conduct career oriented and personality development courses for future opportunities.
 To nurture human resources of this region to grow up as socially responsible citizens along with cultural and environmental values.
 To prepare students to tackle and overcome upon the untimely challenges of life.


Core Values of the Institute Our founder established the Institute for the purpose of eradicating economic backwardness of the region through quality education. For the pursuit of the mission, institute has adopted certain practices which in due course of time have become our core values.
Hard work - It is the key to unlock the door of success. Our institute attempt to motivate all the stakeholders for hard work.
Discipline - Hard work is necessary but without discipline no institute can produce desired result. We as an organization attempt to create a disciplined academic environment.
Excellence - Our aim is to produce excellent students who can take the society and country forward and make better future.
Professionalism - Institute tries to inculcate professionalism among its students. This professionalism helps them to survive and advance towards bright future.
